For Sale- Dun In Cowgirl Form AQHA/ABRA*SOLD*

2015-Very kind, 5yr old AQHA/ABRA mare by SBR Formula One- ABRA Honor roll/World Champion versatility horse, AQHA point earner & out of Ima College Star- AQHA barrel/gymkhana money earner, cattle sorter. Sweet Pea has been raised and handled by her amateur owners, shown in hand as a yearling by a 9 yr old in Halter & showmanship. Several years of professional training, great obstacle horse- gate, poles. Outstanding trail horse, safely ridden by a youth rider. Great potential to be a Queen horse, gymkhana, trail/family horse. No shoes needed, lunges, clips, ties, bathes, trailers. $5,000 Video link: